About Us
Can you imagine starting a clothing brand based on a way of life, or creating a brand with a unique meaning that gives you a sense of protection from evil-minded people? Well, that's exactly what G.M.A.B LLC is all about. Our company, which stands for "Get Money Act Broke," was founded on July 16, 2020 in Chicago, IL. Growing up we were raised in one of the roughest neighborhoods in Chicago, called Rogers Park. Knowing our background, we wanted to create something that would motivate, elevate, and inspire young African American entrepreneurs. That's when G.M.A.B came around. We figured that if we created a clothing brand and showed how we elevated it from nothing into something, we could inspire our youth.
Our brand has many meanings, but the one that stuck out the most to us is that when you are obtaining a new source of wealth, keep it to yourself. You never know which one of your friends might be jealous of you, and that jealousy can turn friends into enemies real fast. That's why we stress this heavily; we see our youth in our society posting money on social media, and it's attracting the wrong attention from the wrong people. Our brand is about promoting the idea of working hard and being successful, but also being mindful of who you share your success with.
-Saheed L CEO G.M.A.B LLC